For example 'UTF-8' * * $TO value is encoding which support iconv() php function * Look at for more information about iconv() * --> For example 'windows-1251' * * $EXTENSIONS is array of file extensions which will be converted. * --> For example array('txt', 'php') * **************************************************************/ //SETTINGS STRING $FROM = 'windows-1251'; $TO = 'utf-8'; $EXTENSIONS = array( 'php', ); $decoder = new CDecoder($FROM, $TO, $EXTENSIONS); class CDecoder { var $inCharset = ''; var $outCharset = ''; var $extenstions = array(); function needToConvert($str){ if(preg_match('#.#u', $str) ){ $utf = true; }else{ $utf = false; } if($utf == false && stripos($this->outCharset, 'utf') !== false) { return true; } elseif($utf == true && stripos($this->outCharset, 'utf') === false) { return true; } return false; } function fileDecode($path){ if(!is_file($path)){ print "No such file ".$path."
"; return false; } $size = filesize($path); if($size == 0){ print "File ".$path." is EMPTY
"; return false; } $file = fopen($path, 'r+'); $content = fread($file, $size); if($this->needToConvert($content)) { rewind($file); ftruncate($file, 0); fwrite($file, iconv($this->inCharset, $this->outCharset, $content)); print "Decoded ".$this->inCharset." to ".$this->outCharset.'

'; }else{ print "File ".$path." already at ".$this->outCharset."
"; } fclose($file); } function getSubDirs($dir){ if(is_dir($dir)){ $path = opendir($dir); $subDirs = array(); while(($file = readdir($path)) !== false){ $filePath = $dir.'/'.$file; if($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $filePath != $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']){ $info = pathinfo($filePath); if(is_dir($filePath)){ $subDirs[] = $filePath; }elseif(in_array($info["extension"], $this->extensions)){ $this->fileDecode($filePath); } } } closedir($path); return $subDirs; } } public function CDecoder($inCharset, $outCharset, $extensions){ if(!empty($inCharset)) $this->inCharset = $inCharset; else{ echo "No FROM encoding given.
"; return; } if(!empty($outCharset)) $this->outCharset = $outCharset; else{ echo "No TO encoding given.
"; return; } if(!empty($extensions)) $this->extensions = $extensions; else{ echo "No file extensions given
"; return; } $startDir = getcwd(); $dirs = $this->getSubDirs($startDir); while($dirs){ $subDirs = $this->getSubDirs(reset($dirs)); $dirs = array_merge($dirs, $subDirs); unset($dirs[0]); echo '
'; print_r($dirs); echo '

'; } echo "All operations done"; } }